Bridget Clapham
...keeping your SUCCESS in mind!
Contact Me
Bridget Clapham
Tel: 07703 552174
Make an online enquiry
Bridget Clapham is a very professional practitioner. She uses high level skills in NLP and Coaching
and has a talent for enabling people to make positive changes in their personal and professional lives.
Paul Mckenna
"...I'm a big fan of Bridget! She's risen to every challenge I've asked from her ...and effects positive change on a 1:1 basis & in group work.
Put simply ... she does what she says on the tin ... and as a fee-paying customer, I can't ask for more than that!"
Simon Woolnough
Former Head of Sales Training, Area Sales Manager, AXA Life

"This has helped my confidence so much - now I have a way forward!
Thank you"
GCSE student