Welcome to Bridget Clapham's Web Site
- Are you ready for a change?
- Is it time to do something about it?
- Would you like to take the next step now towards achieving your successful change?
I have worked successfully with hundreds of people and helped them to make positive changes to become happier and more successful in many aspects of their lives.
You may be visiting my site because you want to make a positive change in your personal life, build confidence and self esteem, overcome a fear or cure a phobia, manage anxiety or stress, lose weight, stop smoking, or become more effective and successful in an area of your life. You may want to achieve greater excellence in the sporting or entertainment world.
» Personal Success ...
You may want to build upon your success at work, build business confidence, communicate more effectively, present beautifully and confidently, develop better leadership, manage media interviews well, improve performance and build on success for yourself, your teams and your company.
» Business Success ...
I am privileged to have studied with and to continue to learn from, be inspired by and work with Dr Richard Bandler, Paul Mckenna, Michael Neill, and John La Valle among others. People who are among the best in the field of personal change and development. We are all inspired to teach about positive change and to using our skills and expertise in helping people to achieve success and happiness in personal and business life. Browse the site and, if you are serious about change call or email to find out how I could help you to achieve success!
Bridget Clapham is a very professional practitioner.
She uses high level skills in NLP and Coaching and has a talent for enabling people to make positive changes in their personal and professional lives.
Paul Mckenna
For information about Paul Mckenna's work, visit www.paulmckenna.com
Explore my blog...
When I send follow up notes to clients, they often say:
"Thank you for the stuff you sent, it was really useful"
Hence the name of my blog:
"Really Useful Stuff".
Sign up for personal development, leadership, work, study and wellbeing related posts for people of all ages - to help you be the best you can be!
Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't,
you're probably right!
Henry Ford
It takes as much time to wish as it does to plan... start planning now!
Eleanor Roosevelt and Bridget Clapham
What you focus on is what you get…..start focussing your mind on success to move in the right direction!
Paul Mckenna / Bridget Clapham!
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Bridget Clapham is a very professional practitioner. She uses high level skills in NLP and Coaching
and has a talent for enabling people to make positive changes in their personal and professional lives.
Paul Mckenna